
Simple Children's Art Display
I am a huge fan of an 
uncluttered fridge front,
but I also am starting to get
lots of cute artwork from my toddler.

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I wanted her to feel special and 
also have an organized, simple way
to display a few pieces at a time.

First I took some black contact paper
(sold at local stores or 
in my Online Store for $0.65 a foot)
and cut out the word Masterpieces. 
(Pattern below...)

After applying the word Masterpieces to my wall,
I went to my local dollar store and 
purchased 5 black frames.
I printed off a matching background
for each of the five frames
(Free printable below...)
to match the rest of the coloring in the room.

Then I took a small binder clip
and hot glued a metal star on one side,
and hot glued the other side to the 
top of the black frame.

I mounted the five frames,
each with a "starred" black binder clip
onto the wall in our dining/kitchen area.

Now to display her art,
I can easily slip it in the clip,
or insert her art behind the glass.

As I have more children,
each child will have their own frame
to display whatever they want.

I hope this helps simplify the
Art Displaying mayhem!
I'd love to hear what you think or
what you do to display the art in your own home!

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1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies (please, notice the new url for my blog), under the Page 3 post on May. 23, 2012. Thanks again.


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