
Free Clothespin Sayings
my absolute favorite blogs!
Many blogs I've chosen to follow
come and go for me,
but this is one blog I've always followed.

Her ideas are so easy and beautiful
and her thoughts and ideas leave you
feeling refreshed and ready to tackle another day.
She makes me want to be a better person!

In one of her posts, 
she displayed some cute clothespins
she'd decorated with uplifting thoughts.


We use clothespins at our house to shut 
chip bags, snack bags, etc. 
What a cute way to display, as she says,

She also glued magnets on the back of hers
to make darling clips for your fridge.

I made some for my house
using the "9 B's" as my inspiration.

The fonts on the Word Doc are ready made
to fit to a regular clothespin. 
(The font should be embedded 
so please let me know if it doesn't work!)

Just in time for Thanksgiving and expressing
joy, gratitude and thankfulness!


  1. Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 4 post on Nov. 10, 2011. Thanks again.

  2. Cute idea thanks for making it easy to do ourselves!

  3. So cute,thank you.


I'd love to hear any of your questions or comments!