
Free CU Polka Dot Papers

Here a a bunch of new free commercial use 
polka dot papers!

Funny story behind making these...
I was trying to make a cute clipboard
for my daughter and couldn't
find any polka dot paper that I really liked.

After searching for almost a half hour,
I thought "Hey, why don't I just make some?"
After five minutes, I made these
and want to share them with all of you!

Remember, there's no terms of service
for these and no credit required.
Let me know what you think
if you have a spare minute
because I'd love to follow your blogs!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I like them! I've been looking for some polka-dot papers that I like for a while. Thanks for sharing!

  2. These are cute, great color choices! I can relate to getting caught up into trying to find something online only to make it in a lot less time. :) Thanks for your comment on my letter art!

  3. Thanks so much... just like you I was online looking for polka dot papers I liked and having trouble...I love these, appreciate it!

    1. Thanks for your comment! I love knowing I've helped someone - glad you liked them! :)


I'd love to hear any of your questions or comments!