Thanksgiving Bingo, Countdown, and Thankful Cards

So I wasn't able to get a Thanksgiving Survival Kit
done this year, but I got a few things done
that were favorites from my

Bingo seems to be the absolute favorite
so here's one for Thanksgiving.
I started with 6 different cards
and kept getting requests to add
"just two more ..."
In the end I ended up with 32 different cards
so the Thanksgiving one is starting with 30 different cards.

The other two items are 
Thanksgiving Advent Calendars
to countdown to Thanksgiving.
One is an Autumn Tree and you can either
add or take away a leaf each day. 
The other is a turkey you can add the feathers
to each day until Thanksgiving.

Both countdowns come with 32 different cards
to help give ideas of what to be thankful for.
Use one each day with your countdowns
or just use them at the dinner table for conversation starters.

Thanks for stopping by and have a 
Happy Halloween!

- General Conference Study Notebook -

I am so excited to have this finished 
just in time for General Conference.
I'd been going through all the different
note taking ideas and also fell in love with this
idea for reading the General Conference Magazine issue.

Well, I love simplifying so I thought
"Why not COMBINE the two?"

All your notes in an all-in-one notebook,
along with all the usual writing prompts and referencing.
There is a section for taking notes DURING General Conference
and a section for taking notes AFTER General Conference;
(reading the talks, preparing a lesson, etc.)
Everything will be neatly combined and together.

Here's a breakdown of how to use the pages included.

Two different covers are included, along with
 a "Her" version in black and white or color...

and a "His" Version in black and white or color...

 If you'd rather have something more generic,
I also have just a "Study Journal" 
which would be for taking notes at 
Stake Conference, Education Week, Time Out for Women, etc.

This also comes with two covers and a
"Her" and "His" version in color or black and white.

I printed off both notetaking sheets
and had them bound in one notebook at Staples.
Now I can grab this one notebook for any
fireside, conference, etc. and keep everything together one place.

I'd love to hear your comments or suggestions!
Thanks for stopping by and have a great week!

- 2014 YW Presidency Planner -


I just became the 2nd Counselor in the 
YW program in our ward.
Needless to say I was excited but overwhelmed
with the new responsibilities and workload. 

I've seen so many cute Primary Planners
that I searched the internet for a YW Planner;
one that would simplify all my new assignments.

I couldn't find here's the one I created!

Full Planner - Purchase Here
Free Printables Below!

The Planner Includes (23 Pages)
- Presidency Monthly Tasks
- Secretary Tasks
- New Beginnings Planning Sheet
- Young Women in Excellence Planning Sheet
- BYC Agenda Sheet
- Opening Exercises Agenda Sheet (For YW or Activities)
- YW Presidency Meeting Agenda
- Laurel Presidency Meeting Agenda
- Mia Maid Presidency Meeting Agenda
- Beehive Presidency Meeting Agenda
- Reference List (with Helpful Reference Links)
- New Beehive Kit List (with Links to Items)
- 2014 Monthly Calendar

If you want a different color or additional pages added,
I'd love to hear your suggestions!
Just leave a comment below.

And there's also a freebie for you;
You can download the YW Presidency Monthly Tasks below,
along with the Reference List and New Beehive Kit.

The {Reference List} includes all the important links
to items you will need like Permission Slips, Reimbursement Forms, etc.
The {New Beehive Kit} lists all the items I take to my 
new Beehives when I go to meet with her and explain the program.
Links to all the items needed and free downloads are included!  

 Full planner available in my store.

Here's a few other binder cover options with the 2014 theme!

YW Binder - YW President sm



Thanks for stopping by!

- Toddler and Children's Chore Chart -

A while back, I posted this post on a Chore Chart idea.
I've come up with an additional idea
and wanted to share it with you today.

This Chore Chart has the same appeal and idea as the other,
it's just faster and easier to make and change.

Each chore chart design comes with a set of matching
square and rectangle labels.
You can either write the chores on the labels,
or tape pictures onto them as I did below. 

Then as your child completes each chore,
they are able to slide it over to the "Done" side.
Easy for the toddler, child, or parent to see what's
completed and what is needs to be finished.

I laminated the chore chart and labels
and glued magnets onto the back.
It stays on our fridge where my daughter and I
can work on it together in the mornings.

At this point since she's only 3,
I've given her three chores.
1) Read a book (or rather look at a book...)
2) Make your bed
3) Star represents a special chore mommy needs help with

For more ideas or cute pictures to make your own labels,
click {HERE}.

These chore charts are for sale in my store,
either in the {Digital Format} or {Printed Format}.
I'm happy to personalize it too!

I'd love to hear any comments or suggestions! 
Thanks for stopping by!

- Halloween Survival Kit -

I'm am SO excited about this kit!
Even though it's still summer, 
according to Hobby Lobby,
Christmas is right around the corner
My goal is to get these kits rolled out
a few months before the actual holiday is here
so we'll all be ready to go!

 Receive 20% off when you share. Click "Buy Now" for details.

Background Behind the Project
I don't know about you,
but I'm one of those moms that has the best intentions
every holiday to make it special for my family.
it seems like things usually get super hectic
and my awesome amazing plans either
#1) Totally bomb
#2) Don't even happen.

Not to mention I'm a big pinterest fan,
and I find that I'm not quite up to par...

There are fabulous cookies to make...

Really elaborate parties to throw...

Fancy dinners to create...

And these super cool costumes tp make from scratch!
25 Budget Halloween Kids Costume Ideas 

My time is precious to me and so are my kids.
I want to have wonderful Halloween or Holiday memories each year,
but I also want it to be as stress-free and/or fail-proof as possible.

I started brainstorming and looking for an all-in-one kit.
Something I could purchase and have everything at my fingertips,
be a super fun and cool mom
and be able to still have free time.

Jokes aside, I figured there were other moms out there
that also want the same fun, but stress-free holidays
so I created the
- Halloween Survival Kit -

The idea behind the kit is that it has a little bit of everything
and it's all ready to go for you!
Print it off and store it in a Halloween File Folder
and you are ready to go every Halloween from now on!

The kit includes:
  1. A printable To-Do list to help you get ready for Halloween
  2. Blank Calendar
  3. 6 Printable Games
  4. 3 Label or Packaging Options
  5. Halloween Countdown
  6. Links and Lists of Activities
  7. Printable Decorations
  8. Recipes

With this kit, you've got all areas of Halloween covered 
and they are all simple, cute, fun, and quick!

Planning a fun Halloween this year will be fun and easy!
And maybe now you can sit back and enjoy the holiday
not only this year, 
but for years to come.

And what's a post without a freebie?!
If you've followed my blog before,
you know I love freebies!
Below you can download 
(played like Don't Eat Pete)

 Enjoy and Happy Halloween!

 ***Side Note***
I've changed my Etsy Store name to 

The inspiration for the items I create are to not only be "Timesavers",
but to help you free up more of your time
and create fun memories with your family and friends.

I'd love to hear your thoughts and suggestions!
Most of the items I create are due to the fact
I can't find what I'm looking for online or in stores;
so if there's something you need created,
I'd love to help out in any way I can!
Have a great Summer!

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